This series of images explores the way visual aesthetics can influence consumers to want to buy a product, and how we can use this to lead people toward a more sustainable lifestyle. Modern consumer culture is full of apathetic convenience, we must begin to cut out single-use plastics & excessive packaging. We must also begin to re-use & take care of things, abandoning this habit of disposability. These changes can help eliminate deforestation, overflowing landfills & plastic oceans, all of which are leading to the death of our planet (or more likely humanity), one plastic bottle at a time.
I use geometrics, bright colours & minimalism to create a consistent aesthetic within the images. Each subject represents an alternative way of living which is healthier for our planet. Colours are bright & bold, using colour psychology to elicit positive emotion from the viewer. In turn, this would increase the probability that they will genuinely make these lifestyle changes, having associated a positive emotion with it. Minimalist lines & shapes also make the images inviting to look at, as they are easier for the human brain to process in a less satisfying & complicated world.